Finding your dream property is an exciting milestone, but the process doesn't end there. Making a successful offer is a pivotal step that requires careful consideration, strategic negotiation, and a clear understanding of the Manchester property market. This comprehensive guide walks you through the essential steps and considerations involved in making an offer on a property.

Research and Preparation

Before diving into making an offer, it's crucial to conduct thorough research. This involves understanding the local property market, recent sales of comparable properties (also known as comps), and the property's history. Here's what you need to consider:

  • Property Valuation: Assess the value of recently-sold properties in the area using a combination of online tools, estate agents' insights, and recent sales data. This will help you determine a fair offer price.
  • Budget Evaluation: Review your finances and establish a clear budget for the purchase. Consider not only the property's cost but also additional expenses like closing costs, taxes, and potential renovations.
  • Property Inspection: If you haven't already, conduct a thorough inspection of the property in question. Note any repairs or renovations that might be needed, as these factors can influence your offer.

Determining the Offer Price

When buying property in Manchester, setting the right offer price is a critical decision that involves balancing your budget with the property's market value. Keep these points in mind:

  • Comparative Market Analysis (CMA): A CMA involves analysing recently sold properties with similar features to the one you are interested in. This can help you gauge a realistic offer price.
  • Lowball vs. Competitive Offers: While you want to secure a good deal, offering too low a price might make the seller not even consider your bid. Strive for a competitive offer that aligns with market value and your budget.

Crafting the Offer

Your offer should not only include the proposed price but also specific terms and conditions. Consider these elements:

  • Offer Price: This is the monetary value you're willing to pay for the property. Base it on your research, the property's condition, and the current market trends.
  • Contingencies: Contingencies are conditions that must be met for the offer to proceed. Common contingencies include financing (if you're getting a mortgage), appraisal, and inspection. These protect you from unforeseen issues.
  • Inclusions and Exclusions: Specify what is included in the sale, such as fixtures, appliances, and furniture. This prevents misunderstandings later.
  • Earnest Money: This is a deposit you provide to show your commitment to the purchase. It's held in an escrow account until the deal closes.
  • Closing Date and Timeline: Define a realistic timeline for the transaction, including the closing date. Consider factors like your financing approval process and the seller's situation.


After submitting your offer, the seller can respond with acceptance, rejection, or a counteroffer. Be prepared for negotiation:

  • Seller's Response: If the seller accepts your offer, congratulations! If not, they might reject it outright or propose changes. Be open to negotiation while staying within your budget limits.
  • Counteroffers: If the seller counters your offer, carefully review their terms. You can counter their counter, starting a negotiation process.
  • Flexibility: Flexibility can work to your advantage. If the seller has specific requests that are reasonable, consider accommodating them.

Offer Acceptance and Documentation

Once you and the seller agree on the terms, it's time to formalise the deal:

  • Offer Acceptance: When both parties are in agreement, the seller formally accepts your offer. This will be put to you in writing.
  • Purchase Agreement: A purchase agreement, also known as a sales contract, outlines all the terms and conditions of the sale. It's a legally binding document.
  • Escrow: Your earnest money goes into an escrow account, held by a neutral third party. It shows your commitment while protecting your funds.

Due Diligence and Closing Process

After the offer is accepted, you'll enter the due diligence phase:

  • Property Inspection: Schedule a professional inspection to uncover any hidden issues. If significant problems arise, you might negotiate repairs or a reduction in price.
  • Appraisal: If you're financing the purchase, your lender will require an appraisal to ensure the property's value aligns with the loan amount.
  • Final Loan Approval: Complete any necessary paperwork and provide requested documentation to your lender for final loan approval.
  • Title Search: A title company will conduct a title search to ensure there are no ownership disputes or liens on the property.
  • Closing: At closing, you'll sign all the necessary paperwork, pay the remaining funds, and receive the keys to your new property.


Making an offer on a property is a multifaceted process that demands research, negotiation skills, and a comprehensive understanding of the real estate market. By carefully considering factors like property valuation, offer price, contingencies, and the closing process, you can navigate this stage successfully and secure the property you've been dreaming of. Remember, patience and a willingness to negotiate can go a long way in ensuring a successful transaction.